You are currently viewing Mango cake: the best ingredients to mass-produce it

The preparation of your mango cake can make the difference between your business and the competition. If this is one of the most important dishes in your production, we want to help you improve your recipe. Read on to learn what aspects will optimize your mango cake production.

Common processes for the realization of a mango cake

Mango is most consumed in the United States. As a result, many desserts and sweets use this tropical fruit as a main ingredient. These are the most common processes when preparing mango cakes at the industrial level (Saniclean Strainers, s.f.):

  1. Inspect and store the ingredients: flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, mango pulp or whole mango, among others.
  2. Mix the ingredients: butter, milk, flour, sugar, mango and other ingredients are mixed by an industrial mixer.
  3. Prepare the molds for filling: after having the mixture prepared, the molds are filled to be taken to the oven.
  4. Taking the cake to the oven: once it is complete, the baking is done at an industrial level and in large quantities.
  5. Finishing on the work table: the last details, such as decoration and others, are made at this stage.
  6. Packaging and refrigeration: once the cakes are in their wrapping, the only thing left to do is to refrigerate them in case fresh ingredients are used.

Mango cake ingredients that will enhance your recipe

Regardless of the recipe you follow, there are a few ingredients that can improve your recipe. Both to save time and have mango cakes in less, and to improve their flavor. Here are the ingredients you should consider to improve the production:

  • Mango puree: instead of buying fresh mangoes, we suggest buying mango puree. This way, you will be able to reduce the preparation time significantly. Moreover, by storing the pulp in the refrigeration area, you will be able to preserve its nutrients and flavor. Basically to have all its properties.
  • Plain sugar for the cake and powdered sugar for the mango sauce: using the same type is a mistake. If you really want to show your customers that your product is the best, then use both kinds of sugar. This will make the texture of the sauce much smoother (Sweetit, s.f.).
  • Add cinnamon: in many U.S. bakeries, cinnamon is not an ingredient for mango cakes. However, they miss out on a much more significant flavor explosion. The flavor is much more active when cinnamon is included in the preparation of the mango glaze or sauce.

Do not hesitate to include these ingredients

If giving your customers the best is a priority for your business, you can achieve it by including these ingredients in your mango cake. Every detail improves the quality of your desserts. Try all these tips!

Bibliographic references

  • Panagua, L. (2020, August 11). Torta de mango recipe. Free Recipes.
  • Saniclean Strainers. (s.f.). Commercial Cake Manufacturing and SaniClean Strainers.
  • Sweetit. (s.f.). Sugars in baking: formats and types.